Gift Registry Baby shower gift registry lists are increasingly popular. They are particularly useful for first time mums who will probably need to buy a lot of baby products and equipment – which can be quite an expensive procedure. Baby shower gift lists also ensure that mum-to–be gets exactly what she wants and avoids the risk of acquiring duplicate products.

Baby Essentials

Not every mum will want to create a gift registry. A lot of mum’s prefer to be surprised. If you’re buying a baby shower gift without the aid of a gift list, there are several baby essentials that make excellent gifts, including baby bottle sterilisers and baby monitors. Closer to Nature also has a number of baby starter kits that make excellent gifts.

Baby clothes are a welcome baby shower gift too. Most baby clothes are designed specifically for boys or girls, but there are lots of gender neutral clothes available if you don’t know the baby’s gender.

Baby toys are also another good baby shower gift. Just be sure that the toy is age appropriate and doesn’t have any loose parts or harmful materials. Rattles and mobiles are popular choices, just be sure to buy from reputable retailers.

Make Your Own

Many people enjoy making gifts. Handmade baby shower gifts come in many forms, including simple ideas such as a mix CD with music to help calm baby or a personalised photo album. More skilled craftspeople may like to try their hand at making a baby blanket, a baby towel, baby clothes or even a stuffed animal. Handmade baby shower gifts are popular because they are more personal than bought gifts, but care should always be taken to ensure that they are safe for baby. Retail products have to pass stringent safety checks so, in that respect, are often a better bet than handmade baby shower gifts.

Gifts for Mum

Not all baby shower gifts have to be for baby. A baby shower is a celebration of motherhood, so gifts for mum are equally as appropriate. This is particularly true if Mum has already acquired lot of baby essentials, perhaps because this is not her first baby. Popular baby shower gift ideas for mum include engraved bracelets, keepsake boxes and bath soaks. Again, many people like to make their own gifts. This is a good idea when it comes to buying gifts for mum as gifts for mum don’t have the same health and safety concerns as gifts for baby. One novel idea is babysitting tokens – for redemption in the years to come!

No one knows mum like her closest family and friends. Before buying your baby shower gift, get together with other guests to talk about it. This will help you avoid buying duplicate baby shower gifts, but you may also decide to chip in together for something more extravagant, like a hotel break.